The Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (CSAM) is a regional institution of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), based in Beijing, China. Built on the achievements of the Regional Network for Agricultural Machinery (RNAM) and the United Nations Asian and Pacific Centre for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery (UNAPCAEM) CSAM started operations in 2012.
CSAM serves the 62 members and associate members of ESCAP. It is guided by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and other internationally agreed development goals, as well as, the resolutions and mandates adopted by ESCAP.
Our Vision
The vision of CSAM is to achieve production gains, improved rural livelihood and poverty alleviation through sustainable agricultural mechanization for a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable Asia and the Pacific.
Our Objectives
CSAM’s objectives are to enhance technical cooperation among the members and associate members of ESCAP as well as other interested member States of the United Nations, through extensive exchange of information and sharing of knowledge, and promotion of research and development and agro-business development in the area of sustainable agricultural mechanization and technology transfer for the attainment of the internationally agreed development goals including the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Asia-Pacific region.
Our Strategic Functions
- Serving as a regional forum for regular policy dialogues among member countries and other interested parties in the region and the beyond to bring different perspectives, facilitate knowledge generation and sharing, and promote cooperation on sustainable agricultural mechanization.
- Becoming a data and information hub in the agricultural mechanization community through collecting and analyzing relevant data and information so as to inform members and interested parties for evidence-based decision-making.
- Serving as a recognized reference point for standards and protocols of agricultural machinery and equipment testing through collecting and sharing domestic and international standards and protocols with the purpose of improving the regional capacity on agricultural machinery and equipment testing, and promoting standardization of regional codes and testing procedures.
- Strengthening its role as the center for capacity building for concrete and targeted capacity development assistance on agricultural mechanization through policy recommendations technical assistance, technology transfer and human resource development.
- Facilitating regional agro-business development and trade in collaboration with the private sector, governments and other stakeholders and promoting green agro-technology transfer.
Our Governing Structure
CSAM has a Governing Council (GC) which consists of a representative designated by the Government of China (CSAM’s host country) and eight representatives nominated by other members and associate members of ESCAP elected by the Commission. The members and associate members elected by the Commission are elected for a period of three years. The GC meets once annually and reviews the administration and financial status of the Centre and the implementation of its programme of work. The current GC of CSAM (2018-2021) comprises of the following countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China (host country), India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam.
Our Partners
CSAM has built extensive partnerships with various stakeholders. Our collaborators include relevant international organizations, development agencies, regional institutes, academic associations, NGOs and the private sector. CSAM has established around 20 focal points in member States in the field of agricultural engineering and research, providing effective communication and outreach conduit with valuable in-kind contribution and technical assistance in project development. Meanwhile, CSAM also works closely with other regional institutes of ESCAP to forge synergy and leverage comparative advantages in regional development initiatives.