Visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China


Dr. Adrianus G. Rijk, Director of APCAEM paid a formal visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of the People's Republic of China on the morning of 27 April 2005. This is the first visit by the Director since he reported on duty 24 February this year. He had a good discussion with Mr. SHEN Guofang, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, on the future cooperation between APCAEM and China.
The Director handed Mr. Shen a letter from Dr. Kim Hak-Su, Under Secretary General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), to Mr. LI Zhaoxing, Minister of the MOFA, regarding the appointment of Dr. Rijk as Director of APCAEM. The Director conveyed Dr. Kim's regards to Mr.Li, thanking the support from the Government of China, and expressed his willingness to make contributions to poverty reduction in China.

Mr.Shen said that it was a right choice to locate APCAEM in China as China is a big agricultural nation. Problems in agriculture, rural areas and farmers have attracted much attention of the Government. He hoped that APCAEM contributes constructive advisory role to the field of agricultural engineering and machinery of China.  

Finally, the Director said that China has had accumulated its share of good experiences in this regard, which should be shared and disseminated among other member countries of APCAEM.