On 11-12 March 2024, OECD held the Annual Meeting of its Standard Codes for the Official Testing of Agricultural and Forestry Tractors at OECD headquarters in La Muette, Paris, France.
CSAM, which is acting as Secretariat for the Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery (ANTAM), attended the event and briefed the meeting about the latest activities of ANTAM in 2023 and plans for 2024 involving collaboration of OECD and its members. Several ANTAM participating countries are also members of the OECD Tractor Codes, namely China, France, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, and Türkiye. OECD is in turn part of the ANTAM Advisory Board and has attended several of the ANTAM Annual Meetings and events.
Following the meeting, the delegates joined a technical visit to the premises of several research facilities and testing laboratories of CETIM, the French technical center for mechanical industries.