

li29 July-2 August 2024
Study Visit on Reducing Desertification and the Risk and Negative Impacts of Sand and Dust Storms, Beijing and Inner Mongolia, China



li19-20 June 2024, Qingdao, China
Regional Workshop on Integrated Straw Management in Asia and the Pacific - Mechanization solutions for sustainable and climate-smart agriculture


li1-3 April 2024, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Second Policy Dialogue on Trade Facilitation through International Standards and Mutual Recognition of Agricultural Machinery Testing 

An associated event of the eleventh Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum



li28-30 November 2023, Shanghai, China
10th Regional Forum on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Asia and the Pacific



li22-28 October 2023, Yangling Agricultural High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone, Shaanxi Province, P. R. China
Workshop on Innovative Approaches & Practices of Climate-Smart Mechanization for Dryland Farming Management 


li22-27 October 2023, Nanjing, Wuhan, China
The 8th ReCAMA Training and Study Tour for Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers and Distributors
Sustainable Mechanization for Smallholder Farmers



li23-24 October 2023, İzmir, Türkiye
The 9th Member Meeting of the Regional Council of Agricultural Machinery Associations in Asia and the Pacific (ReCAMA)



24-28 July 2023, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippinesli
Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Power Tillers of the Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery (ANTAM)



16 May 2023, Bangkok and onlineli
ESCAP-SCO Side Event of the Commission Session on the theme ‘Enabling Food Systems Transformation through Climate Smart Agri-Innovation‘



27 February-01 March 2023, MARDI Selangor, Malaysia li
9th Annual Meeting of the Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery (ANTAM)



li21-22 February 2023, UNCC, Bangkok, Thailand
High-Level Policy Dialogue on Trade Facilitation through International Standards and Mutual Recognition of Agricultural Machinery Testing 

li23 February 2023
Regional Workshop on Combating Air Pollution from Biomass Burning through Mechanization Solutions for Integrated Straw Management



li28 November 2022
ReCAMA Workshop and Business-matching Event on Sustainable Mechanization for Smallholder Farmers - Promoting Sustainable Trade and Investment

li25-29 November 2022
2022 International Forum on Digital Technology Empowering Rural Transformation

li25 October2022, Hybrid (Laixi, China & Zoom)
Workshop and Virtual Demonstration on Good Practices in Integrated and Sustainable Straw Management

li12-14 October 2022, United Nations Compound, Beijing
Training/Workshop on Enabling Gender Responsive Food Security Programming: Focus on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization

li11 October 2022
Webtraining on Testing of Combine Harvesters for Reduction of Losses and Increased Safety

li28 September 2022
Workshop on Climate Smart Mechanization for Transforming Agriculture in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas

li15 September 2022
Advancing Subregional Cooperation for Sustainable, Climate-smart and Integrated Management of Crop Residues



li13 September 2022
Global South-South Development Expo 2022 Thematic Solution Forum 6: on Scaling up Conservation Agriculture to Accelerate Agrifood Systems Transformation in the Global South


li27 May 2022
ReCAMA Workshop on Smart and Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization

li30 March 2022
Promoting Food Security through Combating Soil Degradation in the Asia-Pacific
Side Event to the Ninth Session of the Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) 



li15 December 2021
8th Annual Meeting of the Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery (ANTAM)

li26 November 2021
9th Regional Forum on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Asia and Pacific

li17 November 2021
Agricultural Machinery and Safer Application of Chemicals

li27 October 2021
ReCAMA Workshop on Trade Procedures and Practices for Agricultural Machinery
7th Member Meeting of ReCAMA

li28-29 September 2021
2nd Annual Conservation Agriculture, Sustainable Intensification and Agroecology Regional Workshop

li27 September 2021
Online Workshop on Climate-Smart Mechanization for Sustainable Food Systems Transformation in Central Asia

li28 April 2021
Linking the achievement of SDG1 and SDG2 to build back better: Poverty alleviation through sustainable agricultural development and rural revitalization



li17 December 2020
Seventh Annual Meeting of the Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery(ANTAM)

li11 December 2020
8th Regional Forum on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization

li4 December 2020
16th Session of Governing Council of CSAM

li23 November 2020
The 6th Member Meeting of the Regional Council of Agricultural Machinery Associations in Asia and the Pacific (ReCAMA)

li18 November 2020
Webinar on Introduction to Safety Testing

li28 October 2020
Virtual Workshop and Demonstration on Integrated Management of Straw Residue

li18 June 2020
Webinar on Impact of Covid-19 on Agriculture in the Asia-Pacific and Role of Mechanization 



li27-29 November 2019, Jeonju, Republic of Korea
The 7th Regional Forum on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Asia and the Pacific - Financing for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization


li22-25 November 2019, Chitwan, Nepal
The 5th Member Meeting of the Regional Council of Agricultural Machinery Associations in Asia and the Pacific (ReCAMA) - Promoting Sustainable Trade and Investment


li8-9 November 2019, Ludhiana, India

Integrated Straw Management Regional Study Tour in India


li28 October-3 November 2019, Qingdao, China
5th ReCAMA Training and Study Tour for Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers and Distributors - Promoting Sustainable Trade and Investment


li10-12 October 2019 Moscow, Russian Federation
Sixth Annual Meeting of the Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery


li10-13 September 2019, Changsha, China
5th Meeting of the ANTAM Technical Working Groups (TWGs)


li4-11 September 2019, Changsha & Beijing, China
Training of Trainers of the Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery (ANTAM)

li12-18 May 2019, Nanjing, China

Training Workshop on Sustainable Mechanization for Smallholder Farmers in Asia and Africa in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals


li28 March 2019, Bangkok, Thailand
CSAM Side Event on ‘Empowering Smallholders through Agricultural Mechanization in the Digital Era’ at APFSD


li28-30 November 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
5th Annual Meeting of the Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery (ANTAM)


li26 October 2018, Wuhan, China
Briefing and Discussion on Importance of Data for Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization


li25-27 October 2018, Wuhan, China
6th Regional Forum on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Asia and the Pacific - Enabling Environment for the Private Sector

li22-27 October 2018, Beijing and Wuhan, China
4th Training of Trainers of the Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery

li29 August 2018, Laixi, Qingdao, China
Pilots of Integrated Straw Management in China

li21-27 May 2018, China
Training Workshop on Harvesting and Post-Harvest Mechanization to Support Food Security in Asia and Africa

li18-20 April 2018, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Regional Workshop on the Role of Mechanization in Strengthening Smallholders’ Resilience through Conservation Agriculture in Asia and the Pacific

li22-29 January 2018, Shanghai & Nanjing, China
Regional Training on Protected Agriculture Technology in Asian Countries


li12-14 December 2017, Kathmandu, Nepal
The 5th Regional Forum on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Asia and the Pacific - Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization Strategy
Regional Workshop on Integrated Straw Management in Asia and the Pacific



li22-24 November 2017, Manila, The Philippines
4th Annual Meeting of the Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery (ANTAM)


li18-28 October 2017, China
The 3rd Training and Study Tour for Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers and Distributors and 3rd Member Meeting of ReCAMA - Promoting Sustainable Trade and Investment

li18-20 September 2017, Kunming, Yunnan, China
Seminar on Building Smallholder Farmers’ Resilience under Climate Change through Value Chain Management


li24-27 May 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh

3rd Meeting of the Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery (ANTAM) Technical Working Groups TWGs

li13-15 April 2017, Nanjing, China
Regional Workshop for Research and Academic Institutions on: ‘Establishing a Cooperation Mechanism for Human Resource Development on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization’


li 8-10 December 2016, Negombo, Sri Lanka
3rd Annual Meeting of the Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery (ANTAM)


li23-25 November 2016, Hanoi, Viet Nam
4th Regional Forum on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Asia and the Pacific

li18-30 October 2016, Nanjing, China
The 2nd Training of Trainers on ANTAM Test Codes
Introduction to Testing of Powered Knapsack Misters-Cum-Dusters


li16-18 July 2016,  Coimbatore, India
2nd Member Meeting of the Regional Council of Agricultural Machinery Associations in Asia and the Pacific (ReCAMA)


li 27-28 June 2016, Kunming, China
Asian and Pacific Workshop on Whole-Process Mechanization of Potato Production

li10-13 May 2016, Bangkok, Thailand
2nd Meeting of ANTAM Technical Working Groups


li9-11 December 2015, Manila, The Philippines
3rd Regional Forum on Agricultural Mechanization in Asia and the Pacific, 11th Session of the Governing Council and 11th Session of the Technical Committee of CSAM and 3rd ASEAN Conference on Agricultural and Bioystems Engineering Co-located with the 12th ERDT Conference in Agriculture

li30 November - 01 December, 2015, Mandalay, Myanmar
Knowledge Sharing Workshop - Enabling Environment for Custom Hiring of Agricultural Machinery in the Dry Zone of Myanmar

li 26-28 October 2015, Qingdao, China
The 1st Member Meeting of the Regional Council of Agricultural Machinery Associations in Asia and the Pacific (ReCAMA)

li 27 July 2015 - 4 August 2015, Beijing, China
Training and Study Tour for Agricultural Machinery Distributors in Asia and the Pacific


li17-19 November 2014, Siem Reap, Cambodia
The Tenth Session of the Technical Committee (TC) of CSAM & Regional Workshop on Establishing a Regional Database of Agricultural Mechanization in Asia and the Pacific


li28-30 October 2014, Wuhan, China
Regional Roundtable of National Agricultural Machinery Associations in Asia and the Pacific - “Connecting for Growth and Cooperation”


li 16-19 September 2014, Beijing, China
1st Annual Meeting of the Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery (ANTAM)


li9-11 September 2014, Serpong, Indonesia
2nd Regional Forum on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Asia and the Pacific - "Enabling Environment for Custom Hiring of Agricultural Machinery"

li26-27 June 2014, Bangkok, Thailand
High-Level Multi-Stakeholder Consultation on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Asia and the Pacific Region - “Sustainable Mechanization Across the Food Chain”


li26-27 October 2013, Qingdao, China
Regional Forum on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Asia and the Pacific - “Public-Private Partnership for Improved Food Security and Rural Livelihoods”


li17-18 October 2013, Bhopal, India
9th Session of the Technical Committee of CSAM


li15-16 May 2012, Bangkok, Thailand
The Establishment of an ANTAM moves ahead at May 2012 meeting in Bangkok, Thailand



li12-13 December 2011, Sanya, China
Regional Seminar on Rice Production and Mechanization

li8-9 December 2011, Bangkok, Thailand
Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization Roundtable: Moving Forward on the Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture

li26 July 2011, Bangkok, Thailand
Expert Group Meeting (EGM): Development of a sustainable agricultural machinery and farm implements testing network in the Asia-Pacific region



li14-16 October 2009, Los Banos, the Philippines
The Fifth Session of the Technical Committee (TC) of UNAPCAEM & Expert Group Meeting on Application of Agricultural Machinery for Sustainable Agriculture in the Asia-Pacific Region

li10-12 February 2009, Chiang Rai, Thailand
The fourth session of the Technical Committee of APCAEM



li23-25 January 2008, Bangkok, Thailand
Regional Forum on Bioenergy Sector Development: Challenges, Opportunities and the Way Forward



li20-23 November 2007, Beijing, China
The third sessions of the Governing Council and the Technical Committee of APCAEM

li24-26 October 2007, Zhengzhou, China
International Seminar on Enhancing the Extension of Conservation Agriculture Techniques in Asia and the Pacific (English version) (Chinese version)
List of Papers
Study Reports by Contracted Consultants of APCAEM and Papers Presented at the Seminar

li27-28 April 2007, Beijing, China
International Seminar on Restructuring and Strengthening Research and Development (R&D) for Agricultural Engineering


li20-24 November 2006, Suwon, Republic of Korea
The second sessions of the Technical Committee and the Governing Council of APCAEM

li22 November 2006, Seoul, Republic of Korea (ROK)
Roundtable Forum for Regional Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers/Distributors Associations

li18-19 May 2006, Bangkok, Thailand
International Seminar on Enhancing Export Competitiveness of Asian Fruits



li18-20 October 2005, Beijing, China
International Seminar on Biogas Technology for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development



li5-7 April 2004, Beijing, China
International Seminar on ICT Applications for Agriculture and Rural Industry and Agro-Based Enterprise Development

li24-25 March 2004, Beijing, China
International Seminar on Animal Feed and Biotechnology



li3-5 November 2003, Kunming, China
Regional Seminar on Post-Harvest Technology for Major Crops