Good Straw Management Practices Using Agricultural Machinery |
Dr. Panna Lal Singh, Principal Scientist & I/c ADG (Farm Engg.), ICAR, New Delhi, India
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Good Straw Management Practices Using Agricultural Machinery
Practice Rice Straw Management in Lao PDR |
Mr. Soulikone Chaivanhna, Technical Staff, Department of Agriculture Land Management, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Lao People's Democratic Republic |
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20221025 |
Practice Rice Straw Management in Lao PDR
Good Straw Management Practices from Thailand using Agricultural Machinery |
Dr. Aunnop Puttaso, Agricultural Research Officer (Senior Professional Level), Land Development Department , Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Thailand |
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Good Straw Management Practices from Thailand using Agricultural Machinery
Concept Note |
20221025 |
Concept Note
Implementation of the Pilot Project on Integrated Straw Management in China |
Dr. He Jin, Professor, China Institute for Conservation Tillage, China Agricultural University, Conservation Tillage Research Center, MARA, P. R. China
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20221025 |
Implementation of the Pilot Project on Integrated Straw Management in China
(Day 1) Developing gender transformative programmes in agriculture |
Ms. Qing Wang, Gender and Climate Change Programme Officer, UN Women China
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Developing gender transformative programmes in agriculture
(Day 1) Gender mainstreaming at ESCAP: Progress and initiatives |
Ms. Channe Lindstorm Oguzhan, Social Affairs Officer, Social Development Division, ESCAP |
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Gender mainstreaming at ESCAP: Progress and initiatives
(Day 1) Enabling Gender Responsive Food Security Programming: Focus on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (Session 1-3) |
Ms. Maria Jones |
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Enabling Gender Responsive Food Security Programming (Session 1-3)
(Day 2) Enabling Gender Responsive Food Security Programming: Focus on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (Session 4-6) |
Ms. Maria Jones |
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Enabling Gender Responsive Food Security Programming (Session 4-6)
(Day 3) Enabling Gender Responsive Food Security Programming: Focus on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (Session 7) |
Ms. Maria Jones |
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Enabling Gender Responsive Food Security Programming (Session 7)
(Day 3) IFAD Gender Mainstreaming |
Ms. Yinyin Shi, Country Programme Assistant, IFAD China Office |
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IFAD Gender Mainstreaming
Philippine National Standards for Rice and Corn Combine Harvester |
Ms. Fatima Joy J. Raytana, Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center of UPLB, Philippines |
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Philippine National Standards for Rice and Corn Combine Harvester
Testing & Evaluation of Combine Harvesters |
Ms. Ayesha Herath, Farm Mechanization Research Centre(FMRC), Sri Lanka |
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Testing & Evaluation of Combine Harvesters
Findings of the Questionnaire for the Members of the ANTAM Technical Working Group on Combine Harvesters |
Dr. Sandro Liberatori, Technical Reference Unit of ANTAM |
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Overview of the findings of the ANTAM TWG Survey on Combine Harvesters in Participating Countries
Standar National Indonesia - Paddy combine harvester & Multi-commodity combine harvester |
Mr. Joko Pitoyo, Indonesia Center of Agricultural Enginering Research and Development, Indonesia |
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Standar National Indonesia
Traditional Method of Harvesting and Threshing |
Ms. Pem Lham, Agriculture Machinery Center, Bhutan |
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Traditional Method of Harvesting and Threshing
Concept Note |
20221011 |
Concept Note
Cambodia Testing Needs |
Dr. Sinh Chao, Department of Agricultural Engineering, GDA/MAFF, Cambodia
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Cambodia Testing Needs
Utilization of Combine Harvester in Malaysia and Its Performance Control |
Mr. Wan Mohd Aznan Bin Wan Ahamad, MARDI, Malaysia |
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20221011 |
Utilization of Combine Harvester in Malaysia and Its Performance Control
Detection Technology of Combine Harvester and Loss Reduction of Mechanized Harvesting in China |
Mr. FENG Jian, China Agricultural Mechanization Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
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20221011 |
Detection Technology of Combine Harvester and Loss Reduction of Mechanized Harvesting in China