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Good Straw Management Practices Using Agricultural Machinery  Dr. Panna Lal Singh, Principal Scientist & I/c ADG (Farm Engg.), ICAR, New Delhi, India
in 20221025 Good Straw Management Practices Using Agricultural Machinery 
Practice Rice Straw Management in Lao PDR Mr. Soulikone Chaivanhna, Technical Staff, Department of Agriculture Land Management, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Lao People's Democratic Republic la 20221025 Practice Rice Straw Management in Lao PDR
Good Straw Management Practices from Thailand using Agricultural Machinery Dr. Aunnop Puttaso, Agricultural Research Officer (Senior Professional Level), Land Development Department , Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Thailand th 20221025 Good Straw Management Practices from Thailand using Agricultural Machinery
Concept Note ESCAP-CSAM 20221025 Concept Note
Implementation of the Pilot Project on Integrated Straw Management in China Dr. He Jin, Professor, China Institute for Conservation Tillage, China Agricultural University, Conservation Tillage Research Center, MARA, P. R. China
cn 20221025 Implementation of the Pilot Project on Integrated Straw Management in China
(Day 1) Developing gender transformative programmes in agriculture Ms. Qing Wang, Gender and Climate Change Programme Officer, UN Women China
20221012 Developing gender transformative programmes in agriculture
(Day 1) Gender mainstreaming at ESCAP: Progress and initiatives Ms. Channe Lindstorm Oguzhan, Social Affairs Officer, Social Development Division, ESCAP 20221012 Gender mainstreaming at ESCAP: Progress and initiatives
(Day 1) Enabling Gender Responsive Food Security Programming: Focus on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (Session 1-3) Ms. Maria Jones 20221012 Enabling Gender Responsive Food Security Programming (Session 1-3)
(Day 2) Enabling Gender Responsive Food Security Programming: Focus on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (Session 4-6) Ms. Maria Jones 20221012 Enabling Gender Responsive Food Security Programming (Session 4-6)
(Day 3) Enabling Gender Responsive Food Security Programming: Focus on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (Session 7) Ms. Maria Jones 20221012 Enabling Gender Responsive Food Security Programming (Session 7)
(Day 3) IFAD Gender Mainstreaming Ms. Yinyin Shi, Country Programme Assistant, IFAD China Office 20221012 IFAD Gender Mainstreaming
Philippine National Standards for Rice and Corn Combine Harvester Ms. Fatima Joy J. Raytana, Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center of UPLB, Philippines ph 20221011 Philippine National Standards for Rice and Corn Combine Harvester
Testing & Evaluation of Combine Harvesters Ms. Ayesha Herath, Farm Mechanization Research Centre(FMRC), Sri Lanka lk 20221011 Testing & Evaluation of Combine Harvesters
Findings of the Questionnaire for the Members of the ANTAM Technical Working Group on Combine Harvesters Dr. Sandro Liberatori, Technical Reference Unit of ANTAM 20221011 Overview of the findings of the ANTAM TWG Survey on Combine Harvesters in Participating Countries
Standar National Indonesia - Paddy combine harvester & Multi-commodity combine harvester Mr. Joko Pitoyo, Indonesia Center of Agricultural Enginering Research and Development, Indonesia id 20221011 Standar National Indonesia
Traditional Method of Harvesting and Threshing Ms. Pem Lham, Agriculture Machinery Center, Bhutan bt 20221011 Traditional Method of Harvesting and Threshing
Concept Note ESCAP-CSAM 20221011 Concept Note
Cambodia Testing Needs Dr. Sinh Chao, Department of Agricultural Engineering, GDA/MAFF, Cambodia
kh 20221011 Cambodia Testing Needs
Utilization of Combine Harvester in Malaysia and Its Performance Control Mr. Wan Mohd Aznan Bin Wan Ahamad, MARDI, Malaysia my 20221011 Utilization of Combine Harvester in Malaysia and Its Performance Control
Detection Technology of Combine Harvester and Loss Reduction of Mechanized Harvesting in China Mr. FENG Jian, China Agricultural Mechanization Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
cn 20221011 Detection Technology of Combine Harvester and Loss Reduction of Mechanized Harvesting in China