Event Date(YYMMDD) Sort descending | Title | Authors | Country Code | Files |
20191127 | Financing for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in India | Mr. Kanchan Kumar Singh, Assistant Director General (Engg.), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) | in | 2. Keynote presentation_India.pdf |
20191108 | Briefing on in-situ straw management project in India | Dr. K K Singh, ADG (F. Engg.) ICAR | in | In-situ Crop Residue Management in INDIA_Dr. KK Singh.pdf |
20190512 | Sustainable Mechanization for Smallholder Farmers in India | Dr.A.SURENDRAKUMAR, Professor (Farm Machinery), Agricultural Machinery Research Centre, Agricultural Engineering College & Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003, India |
in | PPT_India_Mr. Surendrakumar Allimuthu.pdf |
20181025 | Agricultural Mechanization in India: Enabling Environment for the Private Sector | Mr. Kanchan Kumar Singh, Assistant Director General (Engg.), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, India | in | 3. India.pdf |
20181025 | Agricultural Machinery Industry in India | Mr. Surendra Singh, Technical Advisor, Agricultural machinery Manufacturers’ Association (AMMA-India), India |
in | 3. India_0.pdf |
20181022 | Agricultural Standardization and Certification in India | Dr. Thangavelu Senthilkumar, Principal Scientist, ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Regional Centre & Dr. Ajay Kumar Roul, Scientist, Agricultural Mechanization Division, ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, India | in | India_ ANTAM Training India Presentation.pdf |
20180418 | Dissemination of conservation agriculture practices --ASPs Model for Smallholder Mechanization in the Indus Basin | Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad Gill, Executive Director, South Asian Conservation Agriculture Network (SACAN) | in | 4. PPT_CA Workshop_SACAN.pdf |
20180418 | Good Practices and Successful Cases of Conservation Agriculture and Conservation Agriculture Mechanization | Mr. Ravindra Naik, Principal Scientist & Head, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Department of Agricultural Research & Education | in | 8. PPT_CA Workshop_India.pdf |
20180122 | Status of Plasticulture Technologies in India | Dr. Rajesh Kumar Singh, Ph. D. , Project Coordinator,All India Coordinated Research Project (Plasticulture Engg. & Tech), Indian Council of Agricultural Research Central Institute of Post Harvest Engg. &Tech. Ludhiana, Punjab, India |
in | India_Mr. Rajesh Kumar Singh.pdf |
20171212 | Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in India: Strategy and Long-term Policies | Mr. Kanchan Kumar Singh, Assistant Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research | in | 4. PPT_India_KK Singh.pdf |
20171212 | Detailed Findings of the South Asia Component of the CSAM Research and Workplan of the Pilot in India | Mr. Kanchan Kumar Singh, Assistant Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research | in | s5. South Asia-Integrated Straw Management_KK Singh.pdf |
20170413 | Cooperation Mechanism for HRD on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization | Mr. Krishna Kumar Singh, Director, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India | in | 3. India_Mr. Singh .pdf |
20161208 | Presentation by Outgoing Chair of ANTAM, India, Representing Participating Member Countries of ANTAM | Dr. Kanchan Kumar Singh, Assistant Director General- Agricultural Engineering, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) (15 minutes+ 5 discussion) |
in | ANTAM INDIA.pdf |
20161123 | Climate Smart Agriculture and Mechanization in India | Mr. Krishna Kumar Singh, Director, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE), Indian Council of Agricultural Research | in | 9. PPT_India_Dr. KK Singh.pdf |
20160627 | Mechanization of Potato Cultivation in India | Dr. Kanchan Kumar Singh, Assistant Director General (Engineering), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) | in | 2. India_Potato Mechanization.pdf |
20160510 | Testing and Certification in India | Dr. Surendra Singh, Agricultural Machinery Manufacturer’s Association (AMMA-India) | in | 7IN.pdf |
20151209 | Human Resource Development of Agricultural Mechanization in India: Policy and Status | in | D2S1_5in.pdf | |
20151209 | Country Paper -India | in | D2S2_5in.pdf | |
20151026 | Farm Mechanization in India | in | 4IN.pdf | |
20141117 | Agricultural Mechanization in India | Dr. Kanchan K. Singh, Assistant Director General (Engineering), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), India | in | IN.pdf |
20141117 | Overview of the statistics system for agricultural mechanization in India | Dr. Kanchan K. Singh, Assistant Director General (Engineering), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), India | in | IN-2.pdf |
20141117 | Agricultural Machinery Manufacturer’s Association (AMMA-India) | Dr. Surendra Singh, Technical Advisor, India Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers’ Association | in | IN2.pdf |
20141117 | National Data Requirement for a Regional Database of Agricultural Mechanization in Asia and the Pacific | Dr. Gajendra Singh, Adjunct Professor, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India | in | 1801G.pdf |
20141028 | Country Presentation Paper (India) | Dr. Surendra Singh, Technical Advisor, Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers’ Association (AMMA-India), India | in | 3IN.pdf |
20140916 | Status on Testing of Agricultural Machinery in India | by Mr. Kanchan K. Singh, Assistant Director General (Engg.) & Mr. C R Mehta, Project Coordinator, AICRP on Farm Implements and Machinery, Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR), New Delhi, India | in | IN_0.pdf |
20140909 | Custom Hiring Of Agricultural Machinery In India | Dr. Kanchan Singh, Assistant Director General (Engineering), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), India | in | IN-2_0.pdf |
20140909 | Pay for Use - for Affordable Farm Mechanization | Mr. Vikram Aditya Ahuja, Director, Zamindara Farmsolutions PVT. Ltd. India | in | IN02.pdf |
20140909 | Presentation | Indonesian representative | in | IN02_0.pdf |
20140909 | Custom Hiring Services for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization | Dr. Gajendra Singh, Adjunct Professor, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) | in | K4_IN.pdf |
20131026 | Presentation on India Agricultural Mechanization Strategies | Dr. Champat Raj Mehta, Project Coordinator, AICRP on Farm Implements and Machinery, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, India | in | 7.pdf |
20131017 | Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization | C. R. Mehta, Project Coordinator, AICRP on FIM, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India | in | in_0.pdf |
20111208 | Farm Mechanization in Punjab: Social, Economic and Environmental Implications | Gurharminder Singh, Sr. Scientific Officer,Punjab State Council for Science & Technology, India | in | IN_0.pdf |
20111208 | India, Conservation Agriculture and Agricultural Mechanization Strategies - Cross fertilization of ideas | H S Sidhu (Sr. Research Manager), Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) Project, Punjab Hub | in | IN_CA.pdf |
20111208 | Intensive Agriculture in Punjab: An Environmental Appraisal | Dr. Neelima Jerath, Executive Director, Punjab State Council for Science & Technology, India |
in | IN_AB.pdf |
20110726 | Testing of Farm Machinery in India and the role of ANTAM | Dr. Madan Mohan Pandey, Deputy Director General (Engg.), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India | in | IN-2.pdf |
20091014 | Country Paper: Mechanization of Agriculture-Indian Scenario | Dr. SD KULKARNI, Project Director, SPU, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering | in | in-doc.pdf |
20091014 | Mechanization of Agriculture - Indian Scenario | Dr. SD KULKARNI, Project Director, SPU, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering | in | in-doc_0.pdf |
20090210 | Country Report: Indian Agriculture-an Introduction | MM Pandey,Director, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, India | in | in-p.pdf |
20090210 | Indian Agriculture-an Introduction | MM Pandey,Director, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, India | in | in.pdf |
20080123 | Biodiesel Transesterification Plants in India: Overview | Mr. Anandajit GOSWAMI, Associate Fellow, the Energy and Resources Institute Development, India | in | 0307.pdf |
20080123 | India's Biodiesel Programme: Promises and Challenges | Mr. Varghese Paul KOTTAYIL, Associate Fellow, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), India | in | 0103.pdf |
20071120 | Engineering Interventions for Higher and Sustainable Agricultural Growth in India | Dr. Nawab Ali, Dy. Director General (Engg.), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, KAB-II, Pusa, New Delhi-110 012, India | in | 01in.pdf , 02in.pdf |
20071024 | Conservation Agriculture Policy – Perspective and Future Scope | Dr. S. K. TANDON, Assistant Director-General (Engg.), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), India | in | 04011.pdf , 04012.pdf , 04013.pdf , 04014.pdf , 04015.pdf , 04016.pdf , 04017.pdf , 04018.pdf , 04019.pdf |
20071024 | Conservation Agriculture Policy –Perspective and Future Scope | Dr. S. K. TANDON, Assistant Director-General (Engg.), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), India | in | 504.pdf |
20070427 | Agricultural Engineering Research and Development in India | Dr. Nawab ALI, Deputy Director-General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research | in | PPT12.pdf |
20061122 | Tractor Industry in India – Present and Future | Ramesh C. Jain,President,Indian Tractor Manufacturer's Association | in | Tractor Industry in India – Present and Future.pdf |
20061122 | Tractor Industry in India – Present and Future | Ramesh C. Jain,President,Indian Tractor Manufacturer's Association | in | Tractor Industry in India – Present and Future (Presentation).pdf |
20060518 | Issues and Solutions of Fresh Fruit Export in Indonesia | Hadi K Purwadaria | in | Issues and Solutions of Fresh Fruit Export in Indonesia_0.pdf |
20060518 | Issues and Solutions of Fresh Fruit Export in India | Pitam CHANDRA, Abhijit KAR | in | Issues and Solutions of Fresh Fruit Export in India.pdf |
20060518 | Role of Terminal Market in Fresh Fruit Export | Pitam CHANDRA | in | Role of Terminal Market in Fresh Fruit Export.pdf |
20060518 | Issues and Solutions of Fresh Fruits Export in India | Pitam Chandra & Abhijit Kar | in | Issues and Solutions of Fresh Fruits Export in India.pdf |
20060518 | Role of Terminal Market in Fresh Fruit Export | Pitam Chandra | in | Role of Terminal Market in Fresh Fruit Export( presentation).pdf |
20051018 | Biogas Technology for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development | Mr. Nema Badri Prasad, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Indian Council of Agricultural Research | in | Biogas Technology for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development.pdf |
20051018 | UASB Technology – Expectations and Reality | Dr. Vinod Tare and Asit Nema | in | UASB Technology – Expectations and Reality.pdf |
20051018 | Biogas Manure (BgM) : A Viable Input in Sustainable Agriculture – An Integrated Approach | Mr. G.Vasudeo, Secretary Vivekananda Kendra-NARDEP | in | Biogas Manure (BgM) - A Viable Input in Sustainable Agriculture – An Integrated Approach.pdf |
20040405 | Country Report: Information Technology in Agriculture | Er. Birendra Kumar Garg, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering | in | Country Report-Information Technology in Agriculture.pdf |
20040324 | Quality and Safety of Animal Feed in India | D. S. UPPAL, S. M. ILYAS & S. S. SIKKA* | in | Quality and Safety of Animal Feed in India .pdf |
20040324 | Quality and Safety of Animal Feed in India (PPT) | D. S. UPPAL, S. M. ILYAS & S. S. SIKKA* | in | Quality and Safety of Animal Feed in India (PPT).pdf |
20031103 | Post-harvest Technology for Employment Generation in Rural Sector of India | Nawab Ali | in | Post-harvest Technology for Employment Generation in Rural Sector of India.pdf |
20201211 | COVID-19 Pandemic: Building Back Better through Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization - Indian Perspective | Mr. K. Alagusundaram, Deputy Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India | in | 1. PPT_8th Regional Forum_India.pdf |
20211027 | A Case of CSR in India | Mr. S V Raju, Director, Agri Business Centre for Development Ltd | in | 2. CSR Good Case-India-abc4D_7th ReCAMA Member Meeting.pdf |
20211027 | Workshop - Trade Procedures and Practices for Agricultural Machinery in India | Dr. Surendra Singh, Technical Advisor, India Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers' Association | in | 3. PPT_India_Dr. Surendra Singh.pdf |
20211126 | Mechanization-based solutions for crop residue burning | Dr. Kanchan Kumar Singh, Assistant Director-General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, India | in | 4. PPT_India_Dr. KK Singh.pdf |
20220527 | Smart Agricultural Machinery - Technologies and Solutions (Indian Perspective) | C. R. Mehta Director Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi |
in | Smart Agricultural Machinery - Technologies and Solutions (Indian Perspective) |
20220915 | Integrated Crop Residues Management in India | C R Mehta Director, ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, India |
in | Integrated Crop Residues Management in India |
20220915 | Crop Residue Management in South Asia, Advancing Sub-Regional Cooperation for Sustainable, Climate-smart and Integrated Management of Crop Residues | C R Mehta Director, ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, India |
in | Crop Residue Management in South Asia |
20221011 | Indian code for food loss prevention and safety | Dr. Mukesh Jain Director Northern Region Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, India |
in | Indian code for food loss prevention and safety |
20221025 | Good Straw Management Practices Using Agricultural Machinery | Dr. Panna Lal Singh, Principal Scientist & I/c ADG (Farm Engg.), ICAR, New Delhi, India |
in | Good Straw Management Practices Using Agricultural Machinery |
20221128 | Needs of Smallholder Farmers in India and Mechanization Based Solutions | Dr. Surendra Singh, Technical Advisor, Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers' Association, India | in | Needs of Smallholder Farmers in India and Mechanization Based Solutions |
20231002 | GPBS 2024, DESH KA EXPO, India | In association with Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers’ Association (AMMA-India) |
in | GPBS 2024, DESH KA EXPO, India |
20231128 | Designing Gender-Responsive Technologies and Empowering Women Engineers | Er. Sweeti Kumari, Scientist, ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal India; Dr. K. P. Singh, ADG, FME, Indian council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India |
in | Designing Gender-Responsive Technologies and Empowering Women Engineers |
20240619 | Crop Residue Management -Mechanization Solution, India | VinodKumar Bhargav, Project Coordinator, ICAR-CIAE Bhopal India & NachiketKotwaliwale, Director, ICAR-CIPHET Ludhiana India | in | Crop Residue Management -Mechanization Solution, India |
20241128 | Applying Digital Solutions to Mechanization | Dr. Shyam Narayam Jha, Deputy Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India | in | Applying Digital Solutions to Mechanization |