Event Date(YYMMDD) Sort descending Title Authors Country Code Files
20200618 Improving post-harvest mechanization to reduce COVID-19 impact Dr. Cao Guangqiao, Deputy Director General, Nanjing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, P.R. China cn
20191127 Leasing Practice for Agricultural Machinery Mr. Mao Fangzhu, General Manager, Creditease Leasing, China cn 5. Keynote presentation_Creditease.pdf
20191127 China’s Agricultural Mechanization Development Achievements & Main Supporting Measures Mr. Song Jianwu, Division Director, Department of Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs cn 2. Country Presentation_China_Mr. Song Jianwu.pdf
20191127 International Cooperation and Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization Ms. Li Zhiping, Deputy Director General, Foreign Economic Cooperation Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs cn 3. Country Presentation_China-Ms. Li.pdf
20191108 Progress report on the integrated straw management in China Mr. Tongyan Ge, Director, Tillage and Conservation Office, Laixi Municipal Agriculture Machinery Service Center, Qingdao cn China Pilot_Mr. Ge Tongyan.pdf
20191028 Whole process Mechanization for Rice Mr. Wu Changhao, Chief Engineer of Transplanter, Nantong FLW Agricultural Equipment Co., Ltd
cn Rice production mechanization.pdf
20191028 Whole-Process Mechanized Production and Social Service of Chinese Scallion Mr. Jiang Yanfang, Pingdu Agricultural Machinery Bureau of Shandong Province cn Whole-Process Mechanized Production and Social Service of Chinese Scallion.pdf
20191028 Horticulture Mechanization Ms. Helen Kong, Sales Manager, Wild (Rizhao) Garden Machinery Co., Ltd. cn Development for Garden machinery industry in China 20191027.pdf
20191028 Conservation Agriculture (CA) Machines Prof. He Jin, College of Engineering, China Agricultural University
cn Conservation Agriculture (CA) Machines_He Jin.pdf
20190904 Development Trend of Agricultural Mechanization in China Xuemin Fan, Department of Farm Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the People's Republic of China cn Development Trend of Agricultural Mechanization in China.pdf
20190904 Laboratory Management System in CAMTC Meng Zhang, China Agricultural Machinery Testing Centre cn CHINIA_ simplified version1.pdf
20190328 Field Innovation: How Smart Agriculture technology is improving smallholders’ productivity and sustainability Mr. Justin Gong, Vice-President, XAG Co. Ltd cn 5. PPT_China_Justin Gong.pdf
20181025 China Agricultural Machinery Export Analysis Mr. Liu Furui, Deputy Director, Department of Overseas Market, Jiangsu World Agriculture Machinery Co., Ltd, China cn 2. China.pdf
20181025 Agricultural Machinery Industry in Germany Ms. Zhang Li, Chief Representative, German Agricultural Society (DLG) China
cn 5. DLG.pdf
20180829 Status and request of straw used as fertilizer and fodder in Zhitao agricultural machinery specialized cooperative Qingdao Zhitao Agricultural Machinery Specialized Cooperative
cn Zhitao Cooperative.pdf
20180829 Workshop Agenda & List of Participants Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery (ANTAM) cn Workshop agenda.pdf
20180829 Findings and Outcomes of the Survey and Description of the Workplan (2018-2020) He Jin, Professor, China Agricultural University & Conservation Tillage Research Center, MoA, P.R.China cn CAU.pdf
20180829 Status of integrated straw management in Qingdao Qingdao Municipal Agricultural Machinery Administration cn QMAMA.pdf
20180829 Status of integrated straw management in Laixi Laixi Municipal Agricultural Machinery cn Laixi AM Bureau.pdf
20180521 CAAS: Role in Chinese Agricultural Development and International Cooperation Dr. Hao Weiping, Deputy Director General, Department of International Cooperation, CAAS, China
cn CAAS_Hao Weiping.pdf
20180521 Crop Harvesting Mechanization Development in China Prof. Zhang Dongxing, College of Engineering, China Agricultural University
cn CAU_Prof. Zhang Dongxing.pdf
20180521 Introduction of Nanjing Agriculture University(NAU) & National Engineering and Technology Center for Information Agriculture (NETCIA) Dr. YAO Xia, China cn NJAU_YAO Xia.pdf
20180521 Mechanization and its Place in Food Systems Djordje Vdovic, Regional Logistics Officer, Regional Bureau for Asia/Pacific, WFP, Bangkok
cn WFP_Djordje Vdovic.pdf
20180521 Research Status and Development Trend of Rice and Wheat Mechanized Harvesting ZhuohuaiGuan, Nanjing Research Institute for Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture cn Research Status and Development Trend of Rice and Wheat Mechanized Harvesting.pdf
20180418 Situation and Application of Conservation Agriculture in China Mr. Du You, Researcher, Centre of Agricultural Machinery Extension, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs cn 7. PPT_CA Workshop_China_Du You.pdf
20180418 Practice of Conservation Agriculture of Nanjing Research Institute for Agricultural Mechanization (NRIAM) Mr. Cong Chen, Research Associate, Nanjing Research Institute for Agriculture Mechanization cn 10. PPT_CA Workshop_NRIAM.pdf
20180122 The modern greenhouse's structural design and its application example ZHU Chunyan cn Zhu Chunyan_Morden greenhouse.pdf
20180122 Concept Note Regional Training on Protected Agriculture Technology in Asian Countries Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery (ANTAM) cn Conccept Note_Protected Agriculture_0.pdf
20180122 Brief Introduction of Agricultural Mechanization in China and NRIAM Zhang Meng, Nanjing Research Institute for Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture(NRIAM) cn NRIAM_Agricultural Mechanization in China and NRIAM.pdf
20180122 Enabling Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization Development in Asia And the Pacific Through Regional Coordination and Standardization Mr. Anshuman Varma, Programme Officer, Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (CSAM), United Nations-Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP) cn CSAM_Enabling Ag. Mech. in the Asia Pacific.pdf
20180122 History of High Efficient Irrigation Development ShangHai Huawei smart irrigation cn Huawei_Irrigation Water Saving Corporation.pdf
20180122 Researches and Application of Protected Agriculture Technologies on the Cultivation of Vegetables Dr. Yuxin Tong, Institute of Agricultural Environment and Sustainable Development Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)
cn CAAS_Protected Agriculture Technologies on the Cultivation of Vegetables.pdf
20171212 Development Strategy and Supporting Policy of Agricultural Mechanization in China Mr. Li Qingdong, Division Director, Department of Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture of China cn 3. PPT_China_Li Qingdong.pdf
20171212 Outcomes and Findings of CSAM Integrated Straw Management Research Mr. Li Hongwen, Professor, China Agricultural University; Team Leader, CSAM Integrated Straw Management Research Team cn s3. Integrated Straw Management_Li Hongwen.pdf
20171212 Detailed Findings of the East Asia Component of the CSAM Research and Workplan of the Pilot in China Mr. He Jin, Professor, China Agricultural University cn s4. East Asia_Integrated Straw Management_He Jin.pdf
20171018 The Impacts of Conservation Tillage on Atmosphere Warming, Dust Storm and Soil Deterioration in North China Prof. Huanwen GAO, China Agricultural University cn 503.pdf
20171018 Integration and Application of Key Technologies in precision Agriculture Mr. Yang Weizhong, Associate Professor, College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University cn 19th AM Precision Agriculture Technology and Application_Yang Weizhong.pdf
20171018 Mechanized Crop Production in China Mr. Zhang Dongxin, Vice Dean/Professor, College of Engineering, China Agricultural University cn 19th PM Mechanized Crop production in China_Prof. Zhang Dongxing.pdf
20171018 Study on Rice Combine Harvest Technology and Equipment Mr. Wang Jinwu, Professor, College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University cn 20th Rice Harvesting Technology and Research_Wang Jinwu.pdf
20170918 Improve Water Productivity and Climate Resilience for Agriculture: Chinese Lessons and Outlook Mr. Mei Xurong, Director General, Bureau of Science and Technology Management, China Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), P.R. China cn 9.19 S3-1_China_Mr. Mei Xurong.pdf
20170918 Water-saving Irrigation and Tackling Climate Change Mr. Zhang Zhaoguo, Director, Kunming University of Science and Technology Solar Irrigation & Water Conservation Research Center, P.R. China cn 9.19 S3-2_China_Mr. Zhang Zhaoguo.pdf
20170918 Effort on Rural Energy and Climate Change in China Mr. Li Jingming, Chief Energy Specialist, Rural Energy & Environment Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, P.R. China cn 9.19 S3-3_China_Mr. Li Jingming.pdf
20170918 China Actions of Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization to Promote Smallholders' Resilience to Climate Change Mr. Li Hongwen, China Agricultural University, P.R. China cn 9.20 S3-4_China_Mr. Li Hongwen.pdf
20170918 Smallholder Agriculture and Climate Change Smart Agriculture in China Mr. Wang Quanhui, Division Director, Rural Energy & Environment Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, P.R. China cn 9.20 S3-5_China_Mr. Wang Quanhui.pdf
20170918 Project Introduction TianSheng, Yunnan Leji Agricultural Science and Technology Co. Ltd., P.R. China cn 9.20 S4-1-China_Mr. Tu Dalin (chinese version only).pdf
20170918 Experience and Project Practice Sharing on Industry-led Poverty Alleviation through Smallholder Farmers' Development Mr. Fang Yonghong, Deputy Director General, Rural Economic System and Management Sation of Yuxi City cn 9.20 S4-2_Mr. Fang Yonghong (chinese version only).pdf
20170918 Country Report Ms. Hu Dirui, Officer, Department of Climate Change, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), P.R. China cn 9.19 S1-1_China_Mr. Hu Dirui (chinese version only).pdf
20170918 Country Report Mr. Cui Jianghao, Deputy Division Director, Department of Science Technology and Education, Ministry of Agriculture, P.R. China cn 9.19 S1-3_China_Mr. Cui Jianghao (chinese version only).pdf
20170918 Country Report Mr. Wang Guozhan, Director, Department of Farm Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture, P.R. China cn 9.19 S1-4 _China_Mr. Wang Guozhan (chinese version only).pdf
20170413 Opening Remarks for Regional Workshop for Research and Academic Institutions on: 'Establishing a Cooperation Mechanism for Human Resource Development on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization' Ms. Zhang Huijie, Deputy Director General, Department of International Cooperation, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) cn Mr. Zhang Huijie_CAAS_Welcome Remarks.pdf
20170413 Opening Remarks for Regional Workshop for Research and Academic Institutions Mr. Chen Qiaomin, Director/Researcher, Nanjing Research Institute for Agricultural Mechanization (NRIAM), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences cn Mr. Chen Qiaomin_NRIAM_Welcome Remarks_EN.pdf
20170413 Cooperation Fields and Ways on Agricultural Mechanization in Asia-Pacific Region Mr. Cao Guangqiao, Deputy Director, Nanjing Research Institute for Agricultural Mechanization (NRIAM), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China cn 1. China_NRIAM_Mr. Cao Guangqiao.pdf
20170413 CAU & COE in Brief Ms. Han Lujia, Professor/Dean, College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, China cn 2. China_ Ms. Han Lujia_CAU-COE.pdf
20161123 A Road to Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization - the Experiences of Conservation Tillage in China Prof. Li Hongwen, Head, Conservation Tillage Research Centre, Ministry of Agriculture of China; Professional, China Agricultural University cn 2 PPT_China_ Prof. Li Hongwen.pdf
20161123 Agricultural Mechanization and Agricultural Sustainable Development Mr. Wang Guozhan, Division Chief, Department of Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture of China cn 7. PPT_China_Mr. Wang Guozhan.pdf
20161123 The Path and Cases on China's Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization Prof. Yang Minli, Director, China Research Centre for Agricultural Mechanization Development; Professor, China Agricultural University cn 8. PPT_China_YANG Minli.pdf
20160716 China Agricultural Machinery Distribution Association Mr. Deng Zhihong, Deputy Secretary General, China Agricultural Machinery Distribution Association cn PPT_CAMDA.pdf
20160627 Accelerating the Promotion of China's Potato Production mechanization Mr. Li Anning, Deputy Director General, National Agro-mechanization Technical Extension Station cn 1. PPT_China_Mr. Li Anning_EN.pdf
20160627 Research and Development Current Situation of Potato Harvest Technology Shang Shuqi, Dean and professor of Electronic and Machinery College, Qingdao Agricultural University cn 3. CHINA-SHANG Shuqi -EN.pdf
20160627 Experimental Study on Potato Harvester with Integrated Type of Vibrated Digging and Separating Professor Song Jiannong, China Agricultural University cn 3. PPT_China_Mr. Song Jiannong.pdf
20151209 3 rd Regional Forum on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Asia and the Pacific cn OP_CSAM.pdf
20151209 Human Resource Development in the Process of Agriculture Mechanization cn D1_PPT_Cn.pdf
20151209 Human Resource Development in Agricultural Mechanization in China cn D2S1_3cn.pdf
20151209 Practice and Prospect of Human resource development of Nanjing Research Institute for Agricultural Mechanization (NRIAM) cn D2S2_3cn.pdf
20151209 Development of International Cooperation in ABE cn D2S2_3cn_0.pdf
20151026 Work Report of 2015 & Work Plan for 2016 cn 5ReCAMA.pdf
20151026 The ANTAM Network cn 6ANTAM.pdf
20150727 China Agricultural Machinery Testing Centre cn 1.pdf
20150727 Testing & Appraisal of Agricultural Machinery In China cn 2.pdf
20150727 Build Strategic Alliances Platform, Share New Achievements cn 3.pdf
20150727 Current Status and Development Trends of China's Agricultural Machinery Industry cn 4.pdf
20150727 Enlightenment of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization Development to Southeast Asia cn 5.pdf
20141117 The Importance and Procedures on Establishing a Regional Database of Agricultural Mechanization Dr. Minli YANG, Professor, Executive Deputy Director, China Research Center for Agricultural Mechanization Development, China Agricultural University, China cn 1803Y-2.pdf
20141117 Keynote Speech – The New Generation ICT to serve Regional Agricultural Mechanization Development Prof. Wang Maohua, China Agricultural University, Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China cn CN_W.pdf
20141117 Agricultural Mechanization in China Mr. Chang Xiongbo, Vice Director, Tractor Testing Division, China Agricultural Machinery Testing Centre, Ministry of Agriculture, China cn CN.pdf
20141117 CAAMA Presentation - Introduction of China Agricultural Machinery Industry and Statistics Works Mr. Ning Xuegui, Deputy Secretary General, China Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers cn CN_CAAMM.pdf
20140916 Testing & Appraisal of Agricultural Machinery In China Mr. LIU Xu, Deputy Director-General, China Agricultural Machinery Testing Center, Ministry of Agriculture of China cn CN_0.pdf
20140909 The Status and Strategy on China’s Custom Hiring of Agricultural Machinery Li Sihua, Division Director, Department of Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), P. R. China cn CN-2.pdf
20140909 Beijing Xing Nong Tian Li Agricultural Machinery Service Cooperative Mr. Chen Ling, Chairman, Beijing Xingnong Tianli Agricultural Machinery Cooperative cn CN02.pdf
20131026 Presentation on ‘An Overview of Agricultural Mechanization in the Asian-Pacific Region’ Mr. Zhao Bing, Head of CSAM cn 2.pdf
20131026 Presentation on ‘China’s Agricultural Mechanization Policies’ Mr. Liu Hengxin, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture of China (MoA) cn 3.pdf
20131026 Presentation on ‘ANTAM & ENTAM—A Partnership for Safer and Higher Quality Agricultural Machinery’ Dr. Sandro Liberatori, Director of ENAMA cn 4.pdf
20120515 China Research Report Mr. Xiongbo Chang, Deputy Director of Agricultural machinery maintenance division, China Agricultural Machinery Testing Center cn cn_temp.pdf
20111212 Challenges for Rice Production Technology Transfer and Adoption Prof. Zou Yingbin, Hunan cn cn1.pdf
20111212 Mechanization of Rice Production and Challenges in China Zhu Defeng, China National Rice Research Institute(CNRRI) cn cn2.pdf
20111212 Super Hybrid Rice in China Peng Jiming, Professor, China National Hybrid Rice Research and Development Centre cn cn3.pdf
20111208 Agriculture Mechanization Status and Context in China Prof. LI Hongwen, Head, Conservation Tillage Research Centre, Ministry of Agriculture, China Agricultural University cn CN.pdf
20091014 Agricultural Mechanization Development in China Prof. Huanwen GAO, China Agriculture University cn cn-ppt.pdf
20091014 Country Paper: Agricultural Mechanization Development in China Prof. Huanwen GAO, China Agriculture University cn
20090210 The Strategic Approach to the Improvement of Agricultural Productivity towards Food Security in China Maohua Wang, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), Member of International Eurasian Academy of Science (IEAS), President of Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (CSAE), China Agricultural University cn cn.pdf
20080123 Development Status and Trends of Agricultural Biomass Energy in China Haibo Meng, Lixin Zhao, Yishui Tian, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering (CAAE), China cn 0301.pdf
20071120 Engineering Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in China Maohua Wang, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Member of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, China Agricultural University cn 02cn.pdf
20071024 An Approach on the Practice and Development of Conservation Tillage in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Mr. Hongxing WANG, Research Professor, Extension Service of Agricultural Machinery Technology, Ningxia, China cn 03110.pdf
20071024 Research and Development on Wheat No-tillage Seeders in Annual Double Cropping System in Central China Hongwen Li, Huanwen Gao, Zonglu Yao, Wenying Li, Xuemin Zhang, Jin He, and Hongliang Ma cn 07.pdf
20071024 Study on Maize Planting Techniques of Wheat/Narrow Alternation with High Stubble Mr. Wuren LIU, Research professor, Academy of Agricultural Science of Jilin Province, China cn 02110.pdf
20071024 The Expansion and Application of Conservation Tillage in Raised-Bed Planting Regions Mr. Zhixue LEI, Head, Bureau of Agricultural Mechanization of Fuxin City, Liaoning Province, China cn 03120.pdf
20071024 The Prospects and Present Situation of Conservation Tillage in Shandong Province Zengjia Li and Tangyuan Ning cn 21.pdf
20071024 Research on the Mechanized Technology of Rotary Tillage and Stubble-mulch for Paddy Field under Southern Muttiple Rice Cropping System Mr. Junfang XIA associate professor, Agricultural University of Central China cn 02120.pdf
20071024 Study on the Direct Seeding Machines for Crop Rotations of Wheat and Corn Mr. Genzhong MA, Senior Engineer, Extension Service for Agricultural Mechanization, Shandong Province, China cn 83140.pdf
20071024 The Theme of my Proposal to Mr. Premier: To Harness Exposed Farmland is the Key to Sandstorm Prevention Mr. Ming LU, Member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China (NPCC) and Vice Chairman of the Agricultural Committee of NPCC cn 01010.pdf , 81010.pdf
20071024 Research on the Mechanized Conservation Tillage for Oasis Irrigation District in Xinjiang Yongcheng Chen and Bin Hu cn 23.pdf
20071024 Carbon Dioxide Emissions after Application of Different Tillage Systems in Northern China Dr. Lifeng HU, PostDoc. Fellow, China Agricultural University and Dr. Hongwen LI, Professor of China Agricultural University cn 04040.pdf
20071024 The Impacts of Conservation Tillage on Atmosphere Warming, Dust Storm and Soil Deterioration in North China Prof. Huanwen GAO, China Agricultural University cn 01030.pdf
20071024 An Approach on the Practice and Development of Conservation Tillage in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Hongxing Wang and Ping Wan cn 24.pdf
20071024 Canadian Experience of Conservation Agriculture and Project Implementation in China Dr. Yuxia LI, Expert, Project on Sino-Canadian Sustainable Agriculture Development cn 03010.pdf , 83010.pdf
20071024 Positive Development of Conservation Tillage Technology for Sustainable Development of Agriculture Mr. Kailun ZHANG, Director-General, Bureau of Agricultural Mechanization, Henan Province, China cn 01040.pdf , 81040.pdf
20071024 The Expansion and Application of Conservation Tillage in Raised-Bed Planting Regions Xuezhi Lei and Zhonghui Liang cn 25.pdf
20071024 Discussion on Several Critical Issues Relative to Research and Extension of Conservation Tillage in China Mr. Bingqiang ZHAO, Research Professor, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science cn 03020.pdf
20071024 No Till Wheat Seeder into Maize Stubble and Research Work in CTRC Dr. Hongwen LI, Professor of China Agricultural University cn 02020.pdf , 02020_1.pdf
20071024 Conservation Agriculture Policy – Perspective and Future Scope S. K. Tandon cn 26.pdf
20071024 Practice and Pondering on the Establishment of the CTLasting Effect Mechanism Mr. Fang XIA, Research Professor, Extension Service of Agricultural Machinery Technology, Henan Province, China cn 03040.pdf
20071024 The soil and water conservation effects and key issues by conservation tillage in Loess Plateau Prof. Mingde HAO, Northwest University of Agro-Forestry Science and Technology of China cn 02040.pdf , 82040.pdf
20071024 Study on Irrigation Pattern in Conservation Jungui Ma cn 27.pdf
20071024 Crop Protection Industry Role in supporting Conservation Agriculture Development in China Mr. Jeff Yuet-fu AU, Manager, Syngenta Investment Co. China cn 03050.pdf
20071024 Conservative Tillage for Soil Conservation with Stubble in Sandstorm Area along the Great Wall of China Prof. Ruixiang ZHU, Northwest University of Agro-Forestry Science and Technology of China cn 02060.pdf
20071024 Carbon Dioxide Emissions after Application of Different Tillage Systems for Loam in Northern China Lifeng Hu, Fu Chen, Xuemin Zhang, Lin Li, Wenying Li, N.J.Kuh, and Hongwen Li cn 28.pdf
20071024 Technique of Conservation Tillage in Shanxi Province Mr. Zhanxing HAN, Division Director, Bureau of Agricultural Mechanization Management, Shanxi Province, China cn 03060.pdf
20071024 The Impact of Conservation Agriculture on Soil Emissions of Nitrous Oxide (Study Report) Huanwen Gao cn 03.pdf
20071024 Effects, Problems and Countermeasures in Promoting the Application of Conservation Tillage on the Loess Plateau of China Prof. Gaobao HUANG, Gansu Agricultural University of China cn 02070.pdf , 82070.pdf
20071024 Prospects and present situation of conservation tillage in Shandong province, China Prof. Zengjia LI, Shandong Agricultural University, China cn 03080.pdf
20071024 The Impacts of Conservation Tillage on Atmosphere Warming, Dust Storm, and Soil Deterioration in North China Huanwen Gao cn 04.pdf
20071024 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) under Conservation Tillage Mr. Kecheng ZHANG, Associate Research Professor, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science cn 02080.pdf
20071024 Research on the Mechanized Conservation Tillage for Oasis Irrigation District in Xinjiang Prof. Yongcheng CHEN, Xinjiang Shihezi University, China cn 03100.pdf
20071024 Devote Major Effects to Push the Application of Conservation Tillage in China Hengxin Liu and Qingdong Li cn 05.pdf
20071024 Study on Minimum Tillage With Water Saving technology and Implement for Paddy Field Mr. Chunlin XU, Research Professor, Harbin Research Institute for Agricultural Mechanization, China cn 02100.pdf
20070427 Restructuring R&D of agricultural engineering in China Prof. WANG Maohua, Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering and professor, China Agricultural University cn PPT03.pdf
20070427 Impact of China’s science and technology system reform on rural development and poverty reduction Dr. LUO Hui, Division Director, Strategy Survey and Research Office, Ministry of Science and Technology cn PPT04.pdf
20070427 Experience of Agricultural Engineering development in China Prof. ZHU Ming, President, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering cn PPT24.pdf
20061120 The New Advances of Agricultural Mechanization and Equipment Industry In Recent Year Maohua Wang cn The New Advances of Agricultural Mechanization and Equipment Industry In Recent Year.pdf
20061122 Agricultural Machinery Industry in China Prof. Gao Yuan’en,Chairman,China Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers cn Agricultural Machinery in China (presentation).pdf
20061122 Agricultural Machinery Industry in China Prof. Gao Yuan’en,Chairman,China Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers cn Agricultural Machinery Industry in China.pdf
20060518 Fruit Production and Export of China Xiuxin Deng cn Fruit Production and Export of China.pdf
20060518 Fruit Production and Export of China XIuXin Deng cn Fruit Production and Export of China_0.pdf
20040405 Development of Database and Establishment of Information Network for Agricultural Byproducts Processing ZHANG Shuming, YAN Chuliang, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences cn Development of Database and Establishment of Information Network for Agricultural Byproducts Processing .pdf
20040405 Establishment and Application of a Database for Regional Resource and Environment Management YU Zhenrong, College of Resources and Environment, China Agricultural University cn Establishment and Application of a Database for Regional Resource and Environment Management .pdf
20040405 Challenges and Opportunities for ICT Applications in Rural Development WANG Maohua, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor of China Agricultural University cn Challenges and Opportunities for ICT Applications in Rural Development.pdf
20040405 Strategic Analysis on Networking and Digitizing of Agricultural Scientech Information (ASTI) in China - Selection of Strategy of "Information Across" &"Strengthening Country by Information" Prof. MEI Fangquan: Director-General, Group of Information Expert, MOA/Former Director-General, SDIC, CAAS/President, IAALD, China Branch/President, Asian Federation of Information Technology in Agriculture cn Strategic Analysis on Networking and Digitizing of Agricultural Scientech Information (ASTI) in China
20040405 Study on Remote Control via Internet in Greenhouse Environment YU Haiye, College of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Jilin University cn Study on Remote Control via Internet in Greenhouse Environment .pdf
20040405 A Brief Introduction to Information Network of APCAEM Project YE Ge, YAN Chuliang, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences cn A Brief Introduction to Information Network of APCAEM Project .pdf
20040405 Info & E-govning NING Jiajun cn Info & E-govning.pdf
20040405 Development of Agro-Informationization in China and Establishment of Information Network for UNAPCAEM TIAN Zhaofeng, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences cn Development of Agro-Informationization in China and Establishment of Information Network for UNAPCAEM.pdf
20040405 An Introduction to The Project: Application Engineering Of Agricultural Expert System (AES) In China The Expert Group for Intelligent Computing Systems of National Hi-Tech R&D Program, The National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture (NERCITA), China cn An Introduction to The Project- Application Engineering Of Agricultural Expert System (AES) In China.pdf
20040405 The Application of Information Technology in the Area of Rural Scientific Extension Service DONG Haojun, Beijing Distance Information Service Engineering Center, Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Science cn The Application of Information Technology in the Area of Rural Scientific Extension Service.pdf
20040405 Application of GPS In Agricultural Information System ZHANG Xiaochao, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences cn Application of GPS In Agricultural Information System .pdf
20040405 Application of GPS In Agricultural Information System (Chinese Version) ZHANG Xiaochao, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences cn Application of GPS In Agricultural Information System (Chinese Version).pdf
20040324 Liquid Coating Techniques of Animal Feeds WU Desheng, Senior Engineer, Director, Poultry & Livestock Equipment Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences cn Liquid Coating Techniques of Animal Feeds .pdf
20040324 The Manipulation of Nutrient Partitioning in Cashmere Goats through Biotechnology LU Dexun, SUN Haizhou, SU Pengcheng, WANG Linfeng, Inner Mongolia Academy of Animal Sciences, Hohhot, P.R. China cn CN Paper 002_0.pdf
20040324 Liquid Coating Techniques of Animal Feeds (PPT) WU Desheng, Senior Engineer, Director, Poultry & Livestock Equipment Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences cn Liquid Coating Techniques of Animal Feeds (PPT).pdf
20040324 Immunonutrition and Feed Antibiotics TONG Jianming cn CN Paper 003.pdf
20040324 Effects of β1,3/1,6-Glucan on Immune Responses in Broiler Chicks GUO Yuming, China Agricultural University, Beijing cn Effects of β1,3/1,6-Glucan on Immune Responses in Broiler Chicks _0.pdf
20040324 Applications of Xylanases from Different Sources FENG Dingyuan, College of Animal Science of South China Agricultural University cn CN Paper 004.pdf
20040324 Microbiological Technology in Feed industry WANG Jiaqi, Institute of Animal Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences cn Microbiological Technology in Feed Industry.pdf
20040324 Avian Influenza Professor GAN Menghou, China Agricultural University cn CN Paper 005.pdf
20040324 The New Trends of Food Pathogen Calling Introducing HACCP System on Animal Farming Dr. HUANG Yutong, China Industry Culture Collection of China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industry cn The New Trends of Food Pathogen Calling Introducing HACCP System on Animal Farming .pdf
20040324 A Study on Avian Influenza CHEN Huanchun, Huazhong Agricultural University, China cn CN Paper 006.pdf
20040324 The Application of Biotechnology in the Research on Animal Microecological Preparation Dr. CAI Huiyi,  Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences cn CN Paper 007.pdf
20040324 Exogenous Enzyme Application in Ruminant Nutrition WANG Jing, Institute of Animal Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences cn CN Paper 009_1.pdf
20040324 Utilization of Degossypolled Cottonseed Protein in Aquatic Feed XUE Min, LUO Lin, Beijing Aquaculture Nutrition Research Centre, Beijing cn CN Paper 008.pdf
20040324 Introduction to the Development of Feed Enzymes in China HOU Bingyan, Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology cn CN Paper 001_0.pdf
20040324 Using Biotechnology R&D New Feed Additive -- Transgenic Functional Lactobacillus Probiotics WANG Chunfeng, Jilin Agricultural University cn CN Paper 010.pdf
20040324 Livestock & Poultry Meat Quality and Control WEN Jie, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences cn CN Paper 011_0.pdf
20040324 The Effects of Medicinal Plants and their Extracts on Nutrient Regulation SHAN Anshan, Animal Nutrition Institute, Northeast Agricultural University cn CN Paper 012.pdf
20040324 Biotechnologies for Improving Animal Growth CHEN Daiwen, Institute of Animal Nutrition, Sichuan Agricultural University cn Biotechnologies for Improving Animal Growth.pdf
20031103 Post-harvest Processing Technology of Sweet Potatoes in Sichuan, China He-ning Liu cn Post-harvest Processing Technology of Sweet Potatoes in Sichuan, China.pdf
20201028 Implementation of the pilot project on Integrated Straw Management in China Prof. He Jin, Professor, China Agricultural University, China cn Implementation of the pilot project on Integrated Straw Management in China
20201028 Welcome Remarks Prof. Li Hongwen, Director, Conservation Tillage Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China / Professor, China Agricultural University cn Welcome Remarks
20201028 Welcome Remarks Mr. Xingmo Cheng, Vice Director-General, Qingdao Administration of Agriculture and Rural Affairs cn Welcome Remarks
20201028 Welcome Remarks Mr. Dongyue Wang, Vice Mayor, People’s Government of Laixi City cn Welcome Remarks
20201123 E-platform for Agricultural Machinery Enterprises Alexandre SUN, Head of International Communication Department, China Agricultural Machinery Distribution Association(CAMDA), China cn 6. China Agricultural Machinery Distribution Association_Mr. Sun Can.pdf
20201118 Certification of agricultural machinery products in China China certification and accreditation institute cn 2. China.pdf
20201211 Agriculture Beyond the Covid19 Pandemic: Building back better through Agricultural Mechanization Mr. Liu Jing, Deputy Division Director, Science and Technology Promotion Division, Department of Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China cn 6. PPT_8th Regional Forum_China.pdf
20210927 Welcome Remarks Mr. Jinqing CHENG, Deputy Director General of the Administrative Committee of Yangling Agricultural High-Tech Industry Demonstration Zone cn Remarks_CN_CHENGJinQing.pdf
20210927 Climate Smart Mechanization for Dryland Farming in China and implication for Central Asian Countries Professor Delan ZHU, Northwest Agricultural & Forestry University, China cn 1_ZHU Delan, LANG_CN-RU.pdf
20210927 Sustainable Mechanization for Postharvest Management Dr. Huangzhen LV, General Manager/Researcher, Chinese Academy for Agricultural Mechanization Sciences (CAAMS) & China Packaging and Food Machinery Co. Ltd cn 3_Huangzhen LV_LANG_CN.pdf , 3_Huangzhen LV_LANG_RU.pdf
20211027 A Case of CSR in China Mr. Wu Hongzhu, General Manager, Qingdao Hongzhu Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd cn 1. CSR Good Case-China-Hongzhu_7th ReCAMA Member Meeting.pdf
20211027 Workshop - Procedures of Agricultural Machinery Importing in China Mr. Xu Xiaolei, Project Manager, Jiangsu Shifang Engineering Equipment Co., Ltd cn 1. PPT_China_Mr. Xu Xiaolei.pdf
20211027 Workshop - Exporting Process and Awareness Ms. Ying Hua, General Manager, Shanghai Kangbo Industrial Co., Ltd cn 2. PPT_China_Ms. Ying Hua.pdf
20211117 Safety Application of Agricultural Machinery and Chemicals in China Ms. MA Lingjuan, China Agriculture Mechanization Center (China Agriculture Machinery Testing Center) cn 6. China.pdf
20211117 Implications of Chemicals Use in Agriculture for People and the Environment Dr. Yuan Chen, Stockholm Convention Regional Centre,Tsinghua University,China cn 1. Implications of Chemical_CN.mp4
20211126 Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization for Increasing Rural Incomes and Reducing Poverty in China Mr. LIU Xu, Deputy Director General, China Agricultural Mechanization Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China cn 1. PPT_China_Mr. Liu Xu.pdf
20220330 Black Soil Conservation Machinery and Equipment in China Prof. LUO Xiwen,
Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering; Professor, South China Agricultural University, China
cn 4. Black Soil Conservation Mach & Equip in China, Prof. Luo Xiwen.pdf
20220330 Food Security Opportunities in GDI Mr. Min Qingwen, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural, Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China cn 2. Food Security Opportunities in GDI, Mr. MinQW.pdf
20220928 Innovation on Climate Smart Mechanization Technologies for Dryland Farming - Research and Application of Key Technologies in Intelligent Fertigation Equipment in China Jinghui Xu
Institute of Water-saving Agriculture in Arid Areas of China, Northwest A&F University
College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering, Northwest A&F University
Yangling, Shanxi, 712100
cn Innovation on Climate Smart Mechanization Technologies
20220928 Digital and Intelligent Technologies in Advancing Agricultural Mechanization in Arid and Semi-arid Areas ——The Efficient Spraying Technology of Large Load Plant Protection UAV and Equipment Application Prof. Junfeng Wang, Dean of School of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University, China cn Digital and Intelligent Technologies in Advancing Agricultural Mechanization in Arid and Semi-arid Areas
20220527 Unmanned Farm —One of the Ways to Realize Smart Agriculture Prof. Xiwen Luo
Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering
Professor, South China Agricultural University, P. R. China
cn Unmanned Farm —One of the Ways to Realize Smart Agriculture
20221011 Detection Technology of Combine Harvester and Loss Reduction of Mechanized Harvesting in China Mr. FENG Jian, China Agricultural Mechanization Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
cn Detection Technology of Combine Harvester and Loss Reduction of Mechanized Harvesting in China
20221025 Implementation of the Pilot Project on Integrated Straw Management in China Dr. He Jin, Professor, China Institute for Conservation Tillage, China Agricultural University, Conservation Tillage Research Center, MARA, P. R. China
cn Implementation of the Pilot Project on Integrated Straw Management in China
20221125 Smart Agriculture Mr. WANG Xiaobing
Director of Information Center of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
cn A presentation of "Smart Agriculture"
20221125 Digital and Intelligent Technology Empowers Rural Development Mr. Cui Yunpeng, Director of Agriculture Big Data Mining Laboratory, Agricultural Information Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
cn Digital and Intelligent Technology Empowers Rural Development
20221125 HeFu - Digital Empowerment Mr. Hu Guohua, Vice Chief of Hefu Town, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China cn A presentation of "Digital Empowerment"
20221125 Technology Support Meteorological Risk Management in Agricultural Production Process Ms. Wu Hong, Senior Market Strategy Consultant, FIG Advisory Asia, IFC cn Technology Support Meteorological Risk Management in Agricultural Production Process
20221125 The Story of a Young Entrepreneur Mr. He Yongzhi
General Manager of GanChanMao Food Company
Hanzhong Prefecture, Shaanxi Province
cn The Story of a Young Entrepreneur
20221128 Opening remarks Mr. FAN Jianhua, Chairman, China Agricultural Machinery Distribution Association (CAMDA)
cn Opening remarks
20221128 Development Status and Trend of Agricultural Machinery Industry in China Mr. Zhang Huaguang, Director, Information Department, China Agricultural Machinery Distribution Association (CAMDA) cn Development Status and Trend of Agricultural Machinery Industry in China
20230223 Implementation of the Pilot Project on Integrated Straw Management in China Dr. He Jin, Professor,China Institute for Conservation Tillage, China Agricultural University, Conservation Tillage Research Center, MARA, P. R. China cn Country Pilot-China
20230221 Opening remarks H.E. Mr Luo Wen, Minister of the State Administration for Market Regulation of the People’s Republic of China cn Opening Remarks by H.E. Mr Luo Wen, Minister of the State Administration for Market Regulation of the People’s Republic of China
20230516 High-tech Solutions for Dryland Farming Dr. Junliang FAN,SCO Demonstration Base for Agricultural Technology Exchange and Training
cn High-tech Solutions for Dryland Farming
20231022 中国旱区设施农业技术 (中文版) Cheng Zhihui, Professor, College of Horticulture, Northwest Agriculture and Forest University, Yangling, China cn 中国旱区设施农业技术 (中文版)
20231022 中国农业机械发展简介 Introduction to the Development of Agricultural Machinery in China Mr. MA Shiqing, China cn 中国农业机械发展简介(中文版)
20231022 智慧型农机在旱地农业中的应用 Интеллектуальная сельскохозяйственная техника в засушливом земледелии Mr. Chen Jun, Professor, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Northwest Agriculture and Forest University, Yangling, China cn 智慧型农机在旱地农业中的应用 Интеллектуальная сельскохозяйственная техника в засушливом земледелии (中俄双语版)
20231022 节水灌溉在旱区中的应用Водосберегающее орошение в засуш ливых районах Mr. Xu Jinghui, Professor, College of Water Engineering, Northwest Agriculture and Forest University, Yangling, China cn 节水灌溉在旱区中的应用Водосберегающее орошение в засуш ливых районах (俄语版)
20231022 中国旱区设施农业技术Агротехнологии с контролируемой средой в китайских засушливых зонах Cheng Zhihui, Professor, College of Horticulture, Northwest Agriculture and Forest University, Yangling, China cn 中国旱区设施农业技术Агротехнологии с контролируемой средой в китайских засушливых зонах (俄语版)
20231022 智慧型农机在旱地农业中的应用Интеллектуальная сельскохозяйственная техника в засушливом земледелии Dr. HUANG Pu cn 智慧型农机在旱地农业中的应用Интеллектуальная сельскохозяйственная техника в засушливом земледелии (中俄双语版)
20231022 节水灌溉在旱区中的应用 (中文版) Mr. Xu Jinghui, Professor, College of Water Engineering, Northwest Agriculture and Forest University, Yangling, China cn 节水灌溉在旱区中的应用 (中文版)
20231025 Introduction to Socialized Services of Agricultural Machinery in China Mr. Xiang Dong, Golden Field Technology Co., Ltd, China cn Introduction to Socialized Services of Agricultural Machinery in China
20231025 Brief Introduction of NIAM Nanjing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization(NIAM), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China cn Brief Introduction of NIAM
20231025 Post-harvesting and processing mechanization of Agricultural Products in China Mr. Xie Qizhen, Chief Engineer and Professor, Institute of Agricultural Products Processing Engineering, Academy of Agricultural Planning and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China cn Post-harvesting and processing mechanization of Agricultural Products in China
20231025 Opening remarks Mr. Junqi Wu, Chief Supervisor, China Agricultural Machinery Distribution Association (CAMDA) cn Opening remarks
20231128 Business Model for Women to Access Agricultural Mechanization – Inspiring exploration and practice from China Ms. Yang Minli, Professor, College of Engineering, China Agricultural University; Director, China Research Center for Agricultural Mechanization Development, China cn Business Model for Women to Access Agricultural Mechanization – Inspiring exploration and practice from China
20231128 New Farmers Contribute Intelligence & Power to Chinese Modern Agriculture Ms. Wei Qiao, Chairman, Zhenjiang New District Yongxing Farm Mechanization Professional Cooperative; Chief Expert, Jiangsu Runguo Agricultural Development Co. Ltd., China cn New Farmers Contribute Intelligence & Power to Chinese Modern Agriculture
20240401 Country statements on the process for adoption/participation in a Mutual Recognition System/Agreement Ms. Ru Chen, State Administration for Market Regulation Department of Certification, China
cn Country statements on the process for adoption/participation in a Mutual Recognition System/Agreement
20240730 Overview of Combating Desertification and the Technology Progress in China Dr. Feng Wang, Professor, Institute of Ecology Conservation and Restoration, Chinese Academy of Forestry, National Forestry and Grassland Administration cn Overview of Combating Desertification and the Technology Progress in China
20240619 China’s solutions for crop residue burning -- Mechanized technology and equipment for comprehensive utilization of straw Dr. Li Hongwen, Dean/Professor, National institute for conservation tillage, China Agricultural University, China cn China’s solutions for crop residue burning